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Marketing management /

Kotler, Phillip

Marketing management / by Phillip Kotler, Leven Lane Keller, Chernev Alexander - SIXTEENTH EDITION, GLOBAL EDITION - Harlow, England : Pearson Education Limited, c2022 - 605 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm

Includes index.

Part 1: Fundamentals of Marketing Management
Chapter 1. Defining Marketing for the New Realities
Chapter 2. Marketing Planning and Management
Part 2: Understanding the Market
Chapter 3. Analyzing Consumer Markets
Chapter 4. Analyzing Business Markets
Chapter 5. Conducting Marketing Research
Part 3: Developing a Viable Market Strategy
Chapter 6. Identifying Market Segments and Target Customers
Chapter 7. Crafting a Customer Value Proposition and Positioning
Part 4: Designing Value
Chapter 8. Designing and Managing Products
Chapter 9. Designing and Managing Services
Chapter 10. Building Strong Brands
Chapter 11. Managing Pricing and Sales Promotions
Part 5: Communicating Value
Chapter 12. Managing Marketing Communications
Chapter 13. Designing an Integrated Marketing Campaign in the Digital Age
Chapter 14. Personal Selling and Direct Marketing
Part 6: Delivering Value
Chapter 15. Designing and Managing Distribution Channels
Chapter 16. Managing Retailing
Part 7: Managing Growth
Chapter 17. Driving Growth in Competitive Markets
Chapter 18. Developing New Market Offerings
Chapter 19. Building Customer Loyalty
Chapter 20. Tapping into Global Markets
Chapter 21. Socially Responsible Marketing

"The 16th edition of Marketing Management builds on the classic examples, core concepts, and logical structure that made the first edition a landmark text. Much has changed since the 15th edition was published. Ongoing globalization; the increasing role of corporate social responsibility; advances in technology, e-commerce, and digital communication; the growing impact of social media, and the widespread use of data analytics, marketing automation, and artificial intelligence have disrupted many industries and have opened doors to new business models. Responding to these changes, the 16th edition was redesigned from the ground up to provide managers with the tools necessary to succeed in the new market environment. The 16th edition builds on the fundamental strengths of past editions that distinguish Marketing Management from all other marketing management texts: - Managerial orientation. The book focuses on the major decisions that marketing managers and top management face in their efforts to harmonize the organization's objectives, capabilities, and resources with marketplace needs and opportunities. - Analytical approach. The text presents conceptual tools and frameworks for analyzing recurring problems in marketing management. Cases and examples illustrate effective marketing principles, strategies, and practices. - Multidisciplinary perspective. Marketing Management draws on the rich findings of various scientific disciplines-such as economics, behavioral science, and management theory-for fundamental concepts and tools that are directly applicable to marketing challenges. - Universal applications. The book applies strategic thinking to the complete spectrum of marketing: products, services, persons, places, information, ideas, and causes; consumer and business markets; profit and nonprofit organizations; domestic and foreign companies; small and large firms; manufacturing and intermediary businesses; and low- and high-tech industries. - Comprehensive and balanced coverage. Marketing Management covers the topics a manager must understand in order to design and execute a successful marketing campaign"-- Provided by publisher

1292404817 [alk. paper]. 9781292404813 [alk. paper].

Marketing Gestion.
Marketing Management.

658.8 / K84 2022