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Teaching proficiency of clinical instructors of Foundation University

Cadiz, Elmira Q.

Teaching proficiency of clinical instructors of Foundation University Elmira Q. Cadiz - Dumaguete City Foundation University, 2024. - x,76 leaves ; ill. (col.) 27 cm

Includes bibliographical references and appendices.

The study aimed to determine the teaching proficiency of clinhical instructors at
Foundation University and its relationship to selected variables. The researchers
utilized a descriptive design and employed data mining technique. The respondents
of the study were 919 nursing students of Foundation University College of Nursing
in first semester, while 884 in second semester. The researchers utilized a validated
questionnaire, the Faculty Teaching Performance Evaluation Tool for Blended and
Face-to-Face Instruction, and employed statistical analyses including the Mann-
Whitney U test. The study revealed that clinical instructors denonstrated "very
effective" teaching proficiency across five key areas: (a) technology integration; (b)
teaching methods; (cJ learning activities; (d) feedback;and (e) assessment The study
also examined gender differences in teaching proficiency.A significant difference was
found in (a) technology integration significant during the first semester,meanwhile
it is not significant in terms of (b) teaching method; [c) learning activities: (d)
feedback; and (e) assessment. with female instructors demonstrating higher
proficiency.However,this gap disappeared by the second semester. No significant
gender differences were observed in all areas of teaching proficiency
Keywords: clinical instructors,teaching proflclencgy,nursing education,technology
integration, teaching methods, learning activities, feedback, assessment, gender

LC--Health Personnel--education

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